Global Learn 2017: Global Conference on Learning and Technology

  • Du lundi 17 avril 2017 au mardi 18 avril 2017
  • Brookings, South Dakota


Global Learn — Global Conference on Learning and Technology is an online conference, organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

This annual conference serves to further the advancement and innovation in learning and technology. As the educational world becomes increasingly global, new ways to explore, learn, and share knowledge are needed. Global Learn is a means to connect and engage creative educators, researchers, consultants, training managers, policy makers, curriculum developers, entrepreneurs, and others in the topics and fields in which they are passionate. Global Learn offers an opportunity to meet and discuss their ideas, findings, and next steps.

Global Learn, the premiere international conference in the field, spans all disciplines and levels of education and is expected to attracts many leaders in the field from 70+ countries around the world.

We invite you to attend Global Learn and submit proposals for presentation.The Conference Review Policy requires that each proposal will be peer-reviewed by for inclusion in the conference program, proceedings book, and online proceedings available on LearnTechLib–The Learning and Technology Library.



The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following major topics as they relate to Learning and Technology. Sub-topics listed here.

  1. Advanced Technologies for Learning and Teaching
  2. Assessment and Research
  3. Educational Reform, Policy, and Innovation
  4. Evaluation and Quality Improvement Advances
  5. Global Networks, Partnerships, and Exchanges
  6. Innovative Approaches to Learning and Learning Environments
  7. Open Education
  8. Technologies for Socially Responsive Learning
  9. Virtual and Distance Education