Beyond 2020: Innovative Practices for an Evolving Landscape
What is the future of education abroad in Europe? As a field, are we prepared for what’s to come? At the turn of the decade, let’s take stock of the realities of 2020—what’s working and what needs to change—and anticipate future developments. Submit your positive, proactive, innovative, and visionary session ideas by January 10, 2020.
How is the perception of U.S. education abroad in Europe evolving? How are the expectations of students, parents, partners, and other stakeholders changing with regard to education abroad, and how can we best respond to these changes? How can we adapt to challenges such as demographic shifts, varying enrollments, changing perceptions of value, resource challenges, and decreasing language study? Innovation will be key.
Topics of interest include:
Panels with representation crossing multiple countries, institutions, organizations, experience levels, and identities are preferred. The Forum is particularly interested in session proposals from international education and faculty colleagues based in Europe with experience in and knowledge of U.S. education abroad.