17th International IARTEM conference

  • Du mercredi 29 mai 2024 au vendredi 31 mai 2024
  • Université Paris Cité, France
  • en présentiel



The following themes are not restrictive, and you can propose any contribution in the scope of IARTEM; i.e. research on textbook and educational media:

  • Educational resources as objects: textbooks as books, identity issues in textbooks and educational media, disciplinary knowledge in and through educational media, linguistics analysis etc.
  • Design and production process: textbook selection and approval; educational publishing – potential, challenges, regulation, and market, special education and educational media, equity, access and funding of textbooks and educational media, local culture in educational media, educational resources including artificial intelligence techniques etc.
  • Uses and impacts: efficient practices in educational media usage; teacher education for using educational media and textbooks in the classroom, (digital) resources and student differentiation; uses in different contexts (school, home), scaffolding through educational media, impact on student learning etc.
  • Research methods and interdisciplinary themes: methodology and design in research of learning resources; history of educational media and textbook development, usage, and production.