3rd Annual Sloan Consortium Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Symposium

  • Du mardi 20 juillet 2010 au vendredi 23 juillet 2010
  • San Jose, CA, USA



Emerging Technologies for Online Learning
Symposium, a joint Symposium of Sloan Consortium,
MERLOT and MoodleMoot, is designed to bring
together individuals interested in the
technological aspects of online learning. The
symposium, focusing on the technologies that drive
online learning effectiveness, will continue to
highlight research, applications, and best
practices of important emerging technological tools.

Experts, intermediate users and novices are
welcome to participate in Symposium activities
that will include face-to-face and virtual

Symposium tracks highlight and demonstrate
research, application and best practices of
important emerging technological tools related to
social networking, assessment, open educational
resources, new media and support services.

Enquiries: conference@sloanconsortium.org