The conference is organized on 4 sections:
The conference is designed in a less usual way. We intend to bring together interested professionals from higher education and from the high school level (as a preparing stage for higher education level), aiming to think what is to be done for a real reform of education, all over the world. The metaphor of the bird Phoenix is put in the center of the debates. What represents the cinders, what should be burned, and who is Cinderella in this context? What should be preserved, and what should be forgotten in the educational philosophy and practice today? These are some possible questions waiting for available, interesting and creative answers.
We do not intend to organize the regular sessions of presenting papers. Our intention is to focus the conference activities on answering questions and on formal / informal discussions and debates, opportunities to communicate, to change experience and good practice, to elucidate a lot of confusions which still exist. New partnerships are expected to be born. All the accepted papers will be introduced as posters, in open sessions for each section. The extended abstracts will be already known by the participants. They will be posted on the conference site in September 2010, with two weeks before the conference. They will be organized on sections.
Each participant will be asked to put questions for at least three papers, to answer the questions and to feel free to participate at discussions and debates.
The section 3 has a particular status. It is a special one. It is organized under the TOUCHING project, a research project with the title Curriculum Reform – Unity in Diversity, funded by CNCSIS Romania. Only 10 papers will be accepted for this section. For the 10 accepted extended abstracts no fees will be charged. A separate volume of this section will be published, after a blind review process.
The title of the volume is Curriculum Reform – Unity in Diversity, with a sub-title which emerges from the ideas of the papers.
For the sections 1, 2, 4 the extended abstracts will be published in a proceedings volume and the full version of the papers on the conference CD.
An author is encouraged to participate with no more than 2 papers.
Students , PhD students and young scholars are invited to participate.
Join us for three interesting days in Brasov County, Romania