Quality Matters' 4th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning

  • Du mercredi 3 octobre 2012 au samedi 6 octobre 2012
  • Tuscon, United States



The theme of this year's conference is "Where
Design and Content Converge" with special
contributions from MERLOT. The conference includes
pre-conference workshops,reception, keynote,
awards ceremony, many concurrent sessions.


Tracks and Topics:
1. Research: Reports from the Field
2. Implementing Quality Criteria for Design and
3. Best Practices in Implementing QM
4. QM, Quality Assurance Practices, and Accreditation
5. Accessibility Today and Tomorrow
6. Raising the Bar in K-12 Online Learning

Tweet about the conference: #QM2012
Enquiries: bknapp@qualitymatters.org
Web address:
Sponsored by: Quality Matters Program