Aims & Themes
The quality of the learning/teaching processes at school depends on the relationship between teachers, pupils, knowledge and competence. All along, teachers use various instruments to implement and improve such relationship. In this way, old and new media and technologies represented and still represent ways to help teachers in creating meaningful instructional experiences.
This conference wants to gather scholars, teachers and teacher educators to find and share ideas, studies, experiences and proposals aimed at imagining learning environments where teachers and pupils are able to create and develop competence.
The conference is the result of a collaboration of the ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe); the Research and Development Community of the ATEE “Teacher Education and Information Technology”; the SIREM (Italian Society for Research on Education and Media) and the Department of Education at University of Genoa.
The theme of the conference Learning & Teaching with Media & Technology is intended to encourage submissions for papers that address the various aspects of the use of ICT in the educational contexts. We also welcome contributions with a focus on the three different angles - policy, practice and research - as well as work that is the result of collaboration of policymakers, researchers and practitioners.
During the conference, a variety of activities will take place to ensure both the exchange of academic research as well as reflection on policy and practice, such as expert keynote presentations, paper presentations of research, and sessions which share the experience of academica, teachers and teacher educators.