CALL FOR PAPERS, Case Studies, Work in Progress/Posters, PhD Research, Round Table Proposals, non-academic Contributions and Product Demonstrations for the 12th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2013 |
At ECEL this year we want to go beyond the gadgets and establish what really matters in e-learning. How do we find the real value of e-learning, and the role of tools therein? More and more we see that e-learning takes a logical place in the design of materials for learning. E-learning is integrated in the design process of learning. A design cycle is followed that sets goals, works out how these goals are assessed, and then fills out the methods of learning. In this way, e-learning can be chosen as a method of learning, and can be selected for its true value.
At ECEL 2012 we are looking for examples of great course design as well as examples of good practice, showing the real value of e-learning innovations. Knowing the design and rationale behind a good practice will help individuals apply this in their own setting.
We invite contributions for academic papers, PhD research, case studies, posters, round table discussions, and commercial product demonstrations. You can find full details of the requirements for the various submission options in the submission types document (.pdf format). Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. ECEL proceedings are indexed by Thomson ISI. You can see details of all the Proceedings accreditations by clicking on the star to the right. Additionally there exists a further publication opportunity as selected papers from the Conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Electronic Journal of e-Learning. (
The conference this year is focusing on the follow Track Themes. You will be asked to select which area your submission fits into when you complete the abstract submission form. |
1. Open educational resources
The Internet allows us to share content easily. But how do we do this, and how do we manage the copyrights of the owners of materials? How can we restrict the use of some resources? Do we and our institutions even want to share? What models of sharing do we use, and how do we assess quality? In this area contributions may include, but are not limited to:
What medium do we use for what purpose? What can we do with social media that we couldn’t before? We invite contributions on novel ways of media use including, but not limited to:
Most learners study for what they are assessed on. But how do you assess, and which e-learning tools and techniques are helpful? New tools for assessment and tracking learner progress are appearing in the marketplace. With these tools new forms of assessment are made possible, such as assessment at a distance, and formative assessment via mobile phones. We are looking for experiences in areas such as:
What activities were planned in your e-learning programme, and did this planning work out? How was the overall learning programme designed? Did you cater for special groups of students, such as international students? What innovative strategies did you plan? How do the tools you use follow on from the decisions you made in your design? Contributions to this theme could include:
This track/stream is for contributions that fit in the conference theme of e-Learning research, but are not specifically described above.