Education innovation. It’s how we as a community continue to thrive in this rapidly changing learning environment. It’s how we respond to, revolve around, and guide student success and satisfaction. Whether embracing emerging tech, incorporating intelligent learning management systems, or designing blended classrooms, now more than ever it is imperative that academic leaders, faculty, and administrators alike come together to ensure that our pedagogies are progressive, organic and continually break new ground.
Advancing education innovation requires continuous visionary leadership from all disciplines. And that’s why we’re inviting you to join us in New Orleans this coming April. Together we will challenge our teaching and learning paradigms, reimagine the learning experience, and ideate on how disruptions in education today will shape the innovative classroom of tomorrow.
At OLC Innovate, we will conduct a series of engaging hands-on workshops aimed at fostering organic interactions and collaborative cross-disciplinary problem solving. Together we will build new foundations for stronger, better higher education environments. And because innovation scales best when ideas are shared, our work sessions will explore emerging technologies and adapted teaching behaviors aimed at informing policy, inspiring leadership, and evolving practice at all levels impacting institutions, universities and colleges.