There are traditional barriers between K-12 and higher ed, along with silos within these organizations as well. The primary aim of ICLTSS’16 is to bridge organizational and communication gaps between K-12 and higher education and “student success” should be looked at as a journey from kindergarten to career.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Advising and Counseling for Student Success
- Academic advising and counseling
- Mental health counseling
- Career advising and counseling
Building Organizational Capacity for Student Success
- Organizational culture and communications
- Public and private partnerships for student success
- Creating a culture of student success
- Professional development, training and orientation of students, faculty and staff
- Planning for student success
Domestic and International Diversity
- Academic ethics across cultures
- International student success
- Supporting refugees, immigrants and undocumented students
- Serving underrepresented populations
- Supporting speakers of other languages
- Motivating students for success
- The science of empowerment
- Advocating active citizenship
- Supporting student voice/choice
- Aligning student activities and programs with student success
Policy, Research and Evaluation
- The role of government in promoting student success
- Developing value-added institutional policies and procedures
- Conducting research on student success
- Evaluating programs for student success
Retention and Persistence
- Student retention and graduation outcomes
- Resilience, grit, growth mindset, belonging, self-regulation
Student Transitions
- High school to college transition (college readiness)
- College to work transition (career development and readiness)
Student Success in the Classroom
- Innovative learning and teaching methodologies
- Neuroscience for teaching and learning
- Applying brain science to learning
- Application of neuroscience, biology, and cognitive science
- Use of technology in teaching and learning
- Using big data and analytics for student success