Veille scientifique
- Eaton, C. (2022). Bankers in the Ivory Tower. The Troubling Rise of Financiers in US Higher Education. The University of Chicago Press.
- Deschênes, É. (2022). L'insertion sociale et professionnelle des travailleurs autochtones. JFD Editions.
- Nicolaides, A., Eschenbacher, S., T. Buergelt, P., Gilpin-Jackson, Y., Welch, M. et Misawa, M. (2022). The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kayombo, C. C. (2022). Analyse systémique et axiologique appliquée à la pratique de la philosophie de l'éducation. L'Harmattan.
- Gutierrez, L. et Alix, S.-A. (2022). Crise(s) en éducation et en formation. L'Harmattan.
Rapports et études
OECD (2019). TALIS 2018 Results (Volume I) : Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners. Paris, France. OECD Publishing.
Bergseng, B. (2019). Vocational Education and Training in Bulgaria. Governance and Funding. Paris, France. OECD Publishing.
McArthur-Gupta, A. (2019). The Economic Case for Investing in Education. Ottawa, Ontario. The Conference Board of Canada.
Rampey, B., Faircloth, S., Whorton, R. et Deaton, J. (2019). National Indian education Study 2015. A Closer Look. Washington, DC, USA. U.S. Department of Education.
OECD (2019). The Road to Integration: Education and Migration. Paris, France. OECD Publishing.
Périodiques professionnels
Formation et Profession, 32(2) 2024 Consulter
Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA), (4) 2024 Consulter
Studies in Science Education, 60(2) 2024 Consulter
Staps, 3(146) 2024 Consulter
Savoirs, 2(65) 2024 Consulter
Dossier de Veille de l`Institut français de l`éducation (IFÉ)
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 134, avril 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 133, mars 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 131, septembre 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 130, juin 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 129, mars 2019 Consulter
Colloques en éducation
E-Learn 2013 - World Conference on E-Learning Consulter
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 Consulter
Fourth International Conference on the Image Consulter
2013 ISIS San Antonio International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference Consulter
LiHE'13 Michigan, USA - Learning Spaces in Higher Education Consulter