Veille scientifique
- Fink, N., Furrer, M. et Gauschi, P. (2020). The Teaching of the History of One’s Own Country. International Experiences in a Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt/M, Allemagne. Wochenschau Verlag.
- Knoerr, H. et Weinberg, A. (dir.) (2020). Immersion at University Level. Rethinking Policies, approaches and implementations. Ottawa, Ontario. Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
- Pelletier, L. et Lenoir, A. (dir.) (2020). Regards critiques sur la relation école-familles. Saint Ouen, France. Édition des Archives Contemporaines.
- Watzlawik, M. et Burkholder, A. (dir.) (2020). Educating Adolescents Around the Globe. New York, NY, USA. Springer.
- Silberman, S. (2020). Neurotribus. Autisme : plaidoyer pour la neurodiversité. Lausanne, Suisse. EPFL Press.
Mémoires et thèses
Joseph, A. C. (2011). Examining the perceived role of teachers' ethnic identity, empathy, and multicultural sensitivity on teacher burnout [thèse de doctorat inédite]. Fordham University, New-York.
Mitescu Reagan, E. (2011). Examining the relationships among undergraduate teacher candidates' experiences, perceptions and beliefs about teaching for social justice [thèse de doctorat inédite]. Boston College, Boston (Mass).
Lee, L. C. (2011). Under one big sky: Elementary pre-service teachers use inquiry to learn about the moon, construct knowledge, and teach elementary students around the world via the Internet [thèse de doctorat inédite]. Ball State University, Muncie (Indiana).
Kennedy, A. M. (2011). Understanding the relationship between distributed leadership and collaborative teacher inquiry [thèse de doctorat inédite]. Lewis and Clark College, Portland (Oregon).
Harding, H. E. (2011). "A place of becoming" Leadership educators' experiences teaching leadership: A phenomenological approach [thèse de doctorat inédite]. The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Périodiques professionnels
Formation et Profession, 32(2) 2024 Consulter
Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA), (4) 2024 Consulter
Studies in Science Education, 60(2) 2024 Consulter
Staps, 3(146) 2024 Consulter
Savoirs, 2(65) 2024 Consulter
Dossier de Veille de l`Institut français de l`éducation (IFÉ)
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 134, avril 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 133, mars 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 131, septembre 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 130, juin 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 129, mars 2019 Consulter
Colloques en éducation
58e congrès - Journée de formation Consulter
3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education Consulter
3rd International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning Consulter
6e Colloque international sur l'enseignement du français langue étrangère Consulter
The Science of Teaching During a Pandemic : Creating Motivated, Focused, Active, Autonomous Learners Consulter