Veille scientifique
- Hirsch, M. et Spitzer, L. (2020). School Photos in Liquid Time. Reframing Difference. Seattle, Seattle, WA. University of Washington Press.
- Phelan, A. M., Pinar, W. F., Ng-A-Fook, N. et Kane, R. (2020). Reconceptualizing Teacher Education. A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge. Ottawa, Ontario. University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
- Demers, S. (2020). La guerre contre l’école publique et ses enseignant·es. Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Québec. M Éditeur.·es/
- Plass, J. L., Mayer, R. E. et Homer, B. D. (dir.) (2020). Handbook of Game-Based Learning. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.
- Knee, J. A. (2020). Class Clowns. How the Smartest Investors Lost Billions in Education. NY, NY, USA. Columbia Business School Publishing.
Mémoires et thèses
Bourne, C. (2020). Designing Good Global Service-Learning Projects in Challenging Contexts: A Case Study [thèse de doctorat inédite]. University of British Columbia, Okanagan, British Columbia.
Muetterties, C. C. (2020). “Checking Off Boxes”: Teachers Describe Civic Education in World History: A Mixed Methods Study [thèse de doctorat inédite]. University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA.
Powell, E. (2020). Complex twists of becoming: debates about elementary education in English periodicals, 1833 -1880 [thèse de doctorat inédite]. University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom.
Al Bahri, M. (2020). Omani Teachers' Professional Identity and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities [thèse de doctorat inédite]. University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Cloutis, G. (2020). Evaluation and Reconciliation Education from a Social Innovation Lens: A Case Study of the Haida Gwaii Institute’s Reconciliation Studies Semester [thèse de doctorat inédite]. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
Périodiques professionnels
Formation et Profession, 32(2) 2024 Consulter
Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA), (4) 2024 Consulter
Studies in Science Education, 60(2) 2024 Consulter
Staps, 3(146) 2024 Consulter
Savoirs, 2(65) 2024 Consulter
Dossier de Veille de l`Institut français de l`éducation (IFÉ)
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 134, avril 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 133, mars 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 131, septembre 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 130, juin 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 129, mars 2019 Consulter
Colloques en éducation
Didapro 6 - DidaSTIC Didactique de l'informatique et des STIC Quelles éducations au numérique, en classe et pour la vie ? Consulter
IICLL2016 - Hawaii: The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning Consulter
2016 4th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2016) Consulter
2016 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering (ICKE 2016) Consulter
The IRES -10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E) Consulter