Veille scientifique
- Lussi Borer, V. et Ria, L. (2016). Apprendre à enseigner. Paris. Presses universitaires de France.à_enseigner
- Johnson, B., Down, B., Le Cornu, R., Peters, J., Sullivan, A., Pearce, J. et al. (2016). Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience A socio-cultural and critical guide to action. Abingdon, Oxon (UK), New-York. Routledge.
- Huang, R. et Kinshuk, Price, J. K. (2016). ICT in Education in Global Context Comparative Reports of Innovations in K-12 Education. Berlin. Springer.
- Eberle, J., Lund, K., Tchounikine, P. et Fischer, F. (2016). Grand Challenge Problems in Technology-Enhanced Learning II : MOOCs and Beyond Perspectives for Research, Practice, and Policy Making Developed at the Alpine Rendez-Vous in Villard-de-Lans. New-York. Springer.
- Graham, R. (2016). Techno-Resiliency in Education A New Approach For Understanding Technology In Education. New-York. Springer.
Périodiques professionnels
British Journal of Education, 11(9) 2023 Consulter
American Journal of Education, 129(4) 2023 Consulter
Administration & Éducation, 2(178) 2023 Consulter
Education Comparée, 26(2) 2023 Consulter
The Journal of Higher Education, 94(5) 2023 Consulter
Dossier de Veille de l`Institut français de l`éducation (IFÉ)
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 134, avril 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 133, mars 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 131, septembre 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 130, juin 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 129, mars 2019 Consulter
Colloques en éducation
Didapro 6 - DidaSTIC Didactique de l'informatique et des STIC Quelles éducations au numérique, en classe et pour la vie ? Consulter
IICLL2016 - Hawaii: The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning Consulter
2016 4th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2016) Consulter
2016 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering (ICKE 2016) Consulter
The IRES -10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E) Consulter