Veille scientifique
- Khul, P. K., Lim, S.-S., Guerriero, S. et van Damme, D. (2019). Developing Minds in the Digital Age. Towards a Science of Learning for 21st Century Education. Paris, France. OECD Publishing.
- Trimmer, K., Newman, T. et Padro, F. (dir.) (2019). Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I. Basel, Switzerland. Springer Nature.
- Mehta, J. et Fine, S. (2019). In Search of Deeper Learning. The Quest to Remake the American High School. Cambridge, USA. Havard University Press.
- Marie, J., Steele, T. L. et Mitchell Jr, D. (dir.) (2019). Intersectionality & Higher Education. Research, Theory, & Praxis, Second Edition. Bern, Switzerland. Peter Lang.
- Danvers, C. (2019). La vocation enseignante. Une histoire de la professionnalisation des instituteurs en France 1789-1914. Paris, France. L'Harmattan.
Rapports et études
Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (2020). Rapport du chantier eCampus - FAD Enseignement supérieur. Québec, Québec. Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.
Hussar, W. J. et Bailey, T. M. (2020). Projections of Education Statistics to 2028 (abbrev.). Washington, DC, Washington, DC, USA. National Center for Education Statistics.
OECD (2020). How prepared are teachers and schools to face the changes to learning caused by the coronavirus pandemic ?. Paris, France. OECD Publishing.
Petrie, C., Abarchi, H., Ranjan, P., Javangwe, R., Gilliland, D., Tuominen, S. et al. (2020). Spotlight : Quality education during for all during Covid-19 crisis. Helsinki, Finland. hundrED.
Department of Education and Skills (2020). Educational Provision for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Special Classes attaches to Mainstream Schools in Ireland. Dublin, Ireland. Department of Education and Skills.
Périodiques professionnels
Formation et Profession, 32(2) 2024 Consulter
Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA), (4) 2024 Consulter
Studies in Science Education, 60(2) 2024 Consulter
Staps, 3(146) 2024 Consulter
Savoirs, 2(65) 2024 Consulter
Dossier de Veille de l`Institut français de l`éducation (IFÉ)
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 134, avril 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, n° 133, mars 2020 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 131, septembre 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 130, juin 2019 Consulter
Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ, 129, mars 2019 Consulter
Colloques en éducation
17e colloque en enseignement : Enseigner ce n'est pas la fin du monde Consulter
The Annual Conference for The International Society for the Social Studies Consulter
The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference Consulter
NCES 2012 Winter Forum and 25th Annual Management Information Systems (MIS) Conference, "Server's Up, Dude!" Consulter
Clair 2012 : Voir l'éducation autrement! Consulter